Aerial Inspection.
Drones de-risk inspection operations. It really is as simple as that.
Are they the perfect tool for every application? No. But the team here at ROAVR can guide you through the minefield. No gimmicks, no technology push, just the data you need, when you need it, anywhere in the world. We provide quality data and reporting services without complex shutdowns, weather worries or ridiculous cost.
Offshore O&G Inspection.
ROAVR deploy worldwide to support the oil and gas industry. Our pilots are all MIST BOISET and HUET qualified, are staff are grade 3 in-house approved, which means you can be assured they can handle flying in complex GPS denied and high electro magnetic environments. Flights have been conducted in Africa, Egypt and across Europe to date. Our consultancy arm negotiates bespoke permissions and we have annual permissions across most of Europe.
ROAVR have operated in Solar PV, hydro and onshore wind since 2014. We have carried out thousands of inspections across the UK of solar PV arrays. 100’s of onshore turbines and mapped hydro pipelines across Wales. Contact us for further details.
Solar PV defect inspection.
Commercial Portfolio Management.
facilities managment
ROAVR support a range of clients with portfolios of commercial property across the UK. From Highland Estates to large commercial built footprint, our aerial data supports timely decision making. Use cases include roof surveys, gulley inspection, marketing imagery, BIM, site 3D modelling and point cloud classification for automated land use assessment. Contact us for further details: