UK Wide News
Photo Credit New Milton Advertiser
Man Fined for felling trees in conservation area
A landowner who cut down protected trees in a New Forest conservation area has been fined by a court.
Fifteen oak trees, one field maple and several hawthorns were felled on land south of the A336 at Bartley; all were protected because they were within a conservation area and covered by an area TPO.
We were contacted to advise on this project early in 2021 following the illegal felling but declined to get involved. [August 2021]
Photo Credit The Times/HES
Beauly Priory: Europe’s oldest elm tree under threat
Close to home this one. Just down the road from our head office in Inverness this incredible 800-year old Elm tree has fallen victim to Dutch Elm Disease. The tree is found in the graveyard at Beauly Priory and first appears in medieval records in 1230. According to Trees for Life, the disease has been moving west through Aberdeenshire and Moray and into the Highlands, but it was hoped that the lower density of elm trees, cooler climate and prevailing winds would slow down its progress.
In 2018, warm weather was blamed for speeding up the spread of the infection in the Inner Moray Firth area of the Highlands.[August 2021]
When The News Get It Wrong!
A classic local news paper fail this one. How do we know? Because we are the advising consultants. Nobody wants to remove the lime tree but as it is located on a clay soil the subsidence the tree is causing has lead to the collapse of a protected wall that cannot be repaired without catastrophic damage to the root mass of the tree. There is no easy solution to this one otherwise it would have been worked around. [July 2021]
Photo Credit Polly Hancock
celebrity does exactly the right thing!
Here is another non-news story but it does nicely highlight hows bats are considered within the planning process. Harry Potter star Rupert Grint has applied for planning consent to convert a barn. The ecological survey identified bat potential and therefore mitigation measures have been proposed. [July 2021]
Photo credit Clear Architects
Armed Police Attend Tree Felling
Well this is a first! Armed police responded to reports of a disturbance and illegal tree felling at a caravan site in Derbyshire. The Government planning inspector, who led the inquiry in early February, is yet to publish their decision. [July 2021]
Photo Credit Unknown
Photo credit Jason McCombe
Illegal tree felling - Bridgnorth
This is an interesting one and we are starting to see this more often. It’s always hard to judge from a news article, but on the face of it, it would seem the site owner performed all the necessary check. No conservation area designation, nor tree preservation orders, trees fall outside the remit of a felling licence BUT under an EIA or Environmental Impact Assessment the works are classed as deforestation and under investigation. [June 2021]
Photo credit Gustafson Porter + Bowman
highgate CEMETERY restructuring trees
Hundreds of “spindly” trees at Highgate cemetery are set to be felled under a proposed revamp that aims to open the famous burial ground to views across London. On the face of it this article seem inflammatory but actually this kind of management and restructuring is very much welcomed for a number of arboricultural reasons. [July 2021]
Photo credit Fitzrovia News
trees hacked in half
We’d like to say this is rare…but…. These fantastic street trees were planted in. Camden and have developed fully and healthy crowns. Sadly a case of nice tree wrong location as they have had to be aggressively side pruned to facilitate bus access. [July 2021]
Don’t Fall Out With Your Neighbour!
Nothing says British like falling out with your neighbour over a tree right? This one’s a classic and well worth the five minute read. Trouble is, this is perfectly legal. The perfect solution for one neighbour but not the best solution for the trees owner. It may ‘only’ be a conifer but this can be avoided. [June 2021]
Photo credit the BBC
extended capability for the drone team
It’s been a great week this week at ROAVR. We have completed our twice yearly survey of the Rivers Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie and also taken delivery of our 2nd DJI M300 RTK drone. We have unparalleled capability in the drone space meaning you get a one stop shop for survey and inspection. With the zoom capabilities blowing the competition out of the water. Stand off 45 minute observations are now a reality for fragile species and habitats. [July 3rd 2021]
Photo credit ROAVR Group
welcome to peter
We are delighted to welcome Peter Haine to the fold as our senior arboricultural consultant in Cambridgeshire. Peter brings over two decades of experience to the practise and we look forward to him adding massive value to clients projects. [May 2021]
Photo credit Peter Haine
Photo credit Big Issue
environment bill & net gain changes
It’s the most talked about change in recent history but exactly what will this mean for you? A lot will depend on what your role is…The bill is currently being scrutinised by the House of Lords and is expected to return and become law in the Autumn of 2021. One of the biggest changes will be the application of a requirement for a biodiversity net gain on development projects. Check out our services in this space HERE. [June 2021]
Photo credit the FT & Brian Lawrence/Alamy
100 business leaders warn Johnson planning reforms risk green goals
We knew this was coming I guess. Any proposed legislative changes to the planning system always raises eyebrows and is often financially motivated.
In a letter sent to the PM FTSE 100 bosses, academics and sustainability experts said that the proposals did not go far enough to ensure environmental objectives would be met.
Photo credit BAS John Dickens
drones in conservation
We are increasingly getting asked to assist with wildlife monitoring projects using our drones. This is nothing new but as the capability, price and scope of deployability increases almost on a monthly basis we are seeing enquiries rise. The tool of choice for us is the DJI M300 RTK which can stand off a considerable distance whilst deploying thermal and optical payloads in tandem meaning wildlife is not disturbed. Heliguy write about this on the link below. British Antarctic Survey. [May 2021]
Hogweed on the march!
This is an old article but still relevant today. We were commissioned in 2015 to document the spread of giant hogweed across the Findhorn valley in Northern Scotland. A very nasty invasive species that is very hard to control and eradicate. [July 2015]
Phot Credit ROAVR Group